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Perhaps this is a joke


Senior Member
May 19, 2023
Reaction score
VA, south of DC
Marital status
Married with adult children
For your amusement...

I was in the Norfolk, Virginia, courthouse yesterday morning when a tragically funny event occurred. The Norfolk courthouse requires everyone to put their cell phones, cameras, pocketknives, and other prohibited items in small lockers located at the front of the lobby before entering the line for security where belts and other metal accouterments must be removed. My wife and I arrived early and had to wait for the rest of our party to arrive and while we were doing so a white woman arrived to discover all the lockers had been taken. She asked for help, but no one responded (mostly because it's not their job to fix her problem but also because she was yelling unnecessarily loudly). Not receiving a response, she then said, "Look I know y'all are all white men with small penises who voted for Trump, but can I get some help here?" A State Trooper walked in at just that moment and she asked him directly, yelling to him two feet from him as he passed, if he would help and his response was a plain and simple, "No."

Now, of the eight white men voted for trump have small penises working the two security lines half of them were black, and one of those black white men with small penises was female (I cannot say with any surety whether she was a woman or not, given todays' political culture ;)).

The woman eventually calmed down (kind of like a child throwing a tantrum that exhausts themselves before going about their business ordinarily) and. after a while, someone existing the courthouse retrieved their belongings and thereby making available a locker for the boisterous woman. She was, apparently, someone representing herself as her own lawyer because she was pulling a cart like the ones lawyers often can be seen dragging behind them. As the deputies asked to inspect the contents, she removed folders full of papers and loose medicine bottles explaining, "These are my court records, these are my medications, and these are the prescriptions for my medications."

My question is.....


Just saying :sneaky:
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Did I miss something?

How did we get from a woman who was rude and likely representing herself in court to the great big statement "orange man bad"?
Did I miss something?

How did we get from a woman who was rude and likely representing herself in court to the great big statement "orange man bad"?
LOL! No, you did not miss anything. I forgot something.

My bad. I forgot to include her words about everyone there voting for Trump! I have amended to op accordingly so now it makes a little more sense (or, maybe, a little less sense if you're not a crazy as that woman).

Remember: the op is solely for everyone's amusement, a simple anecdote about the inanity of current politics 🤪. I had no idea us white guys would never help because we voted for Trump and have small penises 🤨. I'll bet those four black guys were surprised to discover they were white and had small penises (and maybe that their vote for trump was justification for the derision 😒). Even the female deputy looked down at her pants 😮. lol!

It was a weird day (starting with traffic moved at close to 90 mph for nearly three hours and I never once saw a cop :)). Just thought I'd share a little of the weirdness. I'd normally want to know where she got that dross but there's no explanation for that. Maybe she should run for Congress. She'll fit right in with some of them.
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