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Part 2 - External Confirmation That a Preeminent Intelligence Exists

Buff Scott Jr.

Jul 31, 2023
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External Confirmation That a Preeminent
Intelligence Exists

Buff Scott, Jr.

PART 2 of 2 Parts

A painting has a perceptive source. The idea behind it, as noted in Part 1, is Cause/Effect. A painting is not a haphazardly creation. It is a design. But not without a designer. Thus so, the universe is not a haphazardly creation. It has an intelligent Creator.

My wrist watch, an invention, had an inventor. If I were to adopt the "Big Bang" notion, I would be consistent by telling you my wrist watch evolved from a lesser "Big Bang" when, while taking a short-cut through a junk yard, all of the yard's metal components sort of erupted violently and were flying around me in a disorderly fashion.

When the lesser "Big Bang" settled, I looked down at my feet and there was my wrist watch, band and all, completely assembled. Ridiculous and "off my rockers"? Yes, just as absurd as the "Big Bang" that, when settled, framed the universe in its conventional form.

We stand in awe of the infinite power of God as He mobilizes and activates all the stars and governs all the galaxies that sprinkle the night's sky. I take it to be as great a wonder that He should even know that such insignificant creatures as we humans exist. And we live and enjoy His bounties in our tiny dimension or "microscopic world" because of His express decree! The heavens obey His every command. Without His oversight, there would be utter chaos among the galaxies and in the universe at large.

It is no surprise, then, that I believe with all of my existence that our God is alive in the universe, and that He is larger than evolution, greater than atheism, mightier than agnosticism, and far beyond the "intelligence" of humanists who deny or question His existence. So, where does all of this lead us? Simply, just as we have the effects of Abraham Lincoln's existence, so, too, we have the effects of Jesus' existence. To deny one is to deny the other.

Consider the facts relating to what is invisible. Since the wind—air—is invisible, unless contaminated with debris, how do we know it exists? We see and feel the results or effects of it. The consequences are all around us. Since wind it invisible to the naked eye, should we deny its existence? Inasmuch as oxygen cannot be seen—we only feel the effects of it—would it be absurd and "out of this world" to disavow its reality? Naturally. Substitute GOD in the place of "wind" and "oxygen" and the picture becomes unmistakably recognizable.