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No 2nd Chance : in Hell




There is no 2nd Chance to go to heaven, found in Hell.
And its the Devil's lie to teach that Hell can be escaped, once you are in it after you die.
Being found in Hell after you die, is proof that you are eternally separated from God, which is why you are there.

Let me show you why you will never get out of hell, never get out of the lake of fire, and will exist in this torment, that is the 2nd death.
There is no release from it, there is no relief from it.
Once you are there, after you die, you stay there for as long as God lives.


God requires FAITH to give you the new birth.
"all that BELIEVE"
Jesus said that If you BELIEVE in Him, He'll give you eternal life.

But here is the situation.... you have to believe without SEEING, as faith is not faith if you can see it.
You have to believe in JESUS by FAITH, and FAITH is not faith if you can see it., regarding Christianity.

Once you are in Hell, you will KNOW for certain that "its all real".. as you will be in HELL and that is not Faith, that is reality.
IN HELL you wont need any faith to know that Jesus is real.
See that?
So, everyone in HELL, right now, Believes, because they SEE IT, and that is not FAITH.
Everyone that went to hell today, yesterday, and tomorrow, ALL BELIEVE NOW.
There is not one unbeliever in Hell......NOT ONE !!., Yet they all went there as UNBELIEVERS.

John 3:36

They ALL believe in Jesus now, same as the Devil.

See...God only saves you when you believe without SEEING, as that is FAITH, and there is no Salvation without FAITH.
And FAITH is to believe in what you can't SEE.


There is no Cross of Christ in Hell.
There is no blood atonement offered in Hell.
The CROSS was raised on EARTH,. Jesus died for your sin on EARTH..... and you have to BELIEVE in Jesus while you are ON EARTH and still breathing.
Its too late to do that after you die.. You have to do it NOW, TODAY., while you are alive.

2 Corinthians 6:2

There is no 2nd Chance to believe in Hell, as once you are there, you will SEE that its all true, and that is not faith.

There are NO born again persons in hell, and there is no way to become born again in hell.

There are no born again believers in Hell.
There are no unbelievers, never born again, in Heaven.

Listen reader...
Do not listen to a Satanic Cross Rejecting son of the Devil if they tell you that you can go to hell and get saved later, while you are there.

= You CANT .

If you go there, then your damnation is in process, its eternal and there is more to come.
So who teaches this foolish doctrine?