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Introducing JWs


They, and the LDS, use common Christian terms like "God," and "Christ," definitions completely different than orthodox Christianity.
What is orthodox Christianity to you?
What is orthodox Christianity to you?

It would seem in one way . .There are two different kinds of orthodoxies'( having the right opinion). Those who perform the ceremonial laws as a shadow. A gospel sign to all the nations not a sign unto the ceremonial performers Those that perform the ceremonial as shadows. Revealing they themselves are not a shadow but used to glorify God as a gospel sign to the unbelieving world

The lord said (1 Corinthians 11:19) there must be heresies as orthodoxies of men so that men are drawn to the one source of faith as it is written

Not the like non-venerable orthodox . The non venerable pew warmers bowing down to the faith or understanding of the venerable. dying mankind

That kind of orthodox are those who know it is a shadow of the gospel to the unbelieving world not to thier own dying powerless flesh But simply ignore the gospel choosing to rather do things of powerless dying mankind . . the dying temporal seen

Two kinds of orthodoxies. The true witness of the gospel. and the false witness of dying mankind

All old testament shadows save Baptism of the priesthood of believers . were fulfilled at the time of the first century reformation .

One new testament ceremonial law , two fold. The cup with bread and the head covering (1 Corinthians 11).

Not all are called to demonstrate to the world. Some apostles are sent out by the Holy Spirit into the wilderness ,Different kind of ministries not all qualify like must be married children' obeying parents .He wants and creates the best representation of the gospel ,

Isaiah 8:12 Say ye not, A confederacy, to all them to whom this people shall say, A confederacy; neither fear ye their fear, nor be afraid.

2 Corinthians 10:12 For we dare not make ourselves of the number, or compare ourselves with some that commend (venerate) themselves: but they measuring themselves by themselves,(by a Law of the fathers oral traditons of dying mankind) and comparing themselves among themselves, are not wise.

It depends on the kind, some called to do the inside work as a gospel sign. . others sent out into the wilderness.
What is orthodox Christianity to you?
That which reconciles with whole scripture as asserted historically. JWism is the antithesis of that. Russel and Rutherford openly parted ways with what they knew to be orthodox, historical (and mainstream) Christianity. They, like all the other restoration movement sects of the 19th century wanted to reform the Church but they all did so based on a man-made view of what the NT-era Church looked like. Every single one of those sects made that mistake. In addition to the apocalyptic appeal to purity, that's one thing they all shared.