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Idolized Faith that stands alone


Well Known Member
Jul 15, 2023
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Some Christians preach their saving faith is forever standing alone apart from their works. Some say the 'saving efficacy' of their faith can later be judged by their works, and others say their saving faith always stands alone apart from how they live.

There is of course no such faith justified with God in the Bible, and is instead judged dead in life and to Him.

James 2:17
Even so faith, if it hath not works, is dead, being alone.

The kind of faith standing alone by itself forever, is only an idolized faith of one's own making, like a dumb idol that is dead in speech and works. It is an idolatrous gift to oneself, that is not given by God nor Jesus Christ.

Eph 2:8
For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:

The gift of God to the repentant is the living faith of Jesus, who never stands alone apart from His own works, which are always alive to the Father.

Any faith standing alone in one's own mind, is a vain and ideal imagination of one's own heart. It's imagined as being eternally 'pure' and pristine standing all alone in the min's eye, that only it can see. It remains ideally 'unsullied' by the works of one's own unrighteous hands. It's the vanity of 'idealism' that is never lived, but is only seen ethereally high above it all, including above and beyond one's walk on earth.

This is why they preach that their souls by their faith, are now seated in heaven alone and apart from their body of works on earth.

Their new life's calling and daily work of faith, is to keep and defend their idealized faith 'unsullied' by how they live. Their soul is saved by their own faith alone, while their life is still corrupt by their own sinful deeds.

Their eternally 'pure' and pristine faith stands alone as a great barrier wall separting themselves from their works, as well as against any judgment and condemnation for their works.

This is why they preach they are no longer condemned with the world by their works of the world, because of their 'strong' faith standing firm against the righteous judgment of the Lord.

This is also why they preach repentance of the mind only, apart from works. They only 'repent' of unbelief, that they might be saved by only believing. And the great work of their saving faith is only to believe in being saved.

It's the Christian version of believing that by one's faith alone, something can and will be true: "So long as I can believe it, it must be true..."

This is again why they preach the only thing proving one is not saved, is by 'unbelief'. So long as they believe, all is well with their soul, no matter the life lived. But if they ever cease to believe, then their soul is now again condemned by their fleshy works.
The 'divine' faith that stands alone, gives power to thoughts and imaginations of the heart apart from works, produces an imaginary life of one's own. The life of faith they live in the mind, is not the life they live on earth. As it's said, "They live in the life and legend of their own imagination alone.

It's akin to the old pagan idolatry of gods and faith in the gods. So long as man on earth believes in the gods above then the gods remain alive in heaven. But if man ceases to believe, then their gods die. So it is with the imaginary lives, that are produced by faith alone high above all works of the flesh.

But Christ and His faith from heaven is not so, that produces righteous works all the time.

Jesus Christ is now Lord and God the Lamb forever, whether any man on earth believes it or not. And if anyone does believe He is Lord and the one true God, yet repents not of their sinful dead works, then their faith is no better nor 'effecacious', than that of the devils who also believe yet tremble:

James 2:9
Thou believest that there is one God; thou doest well: the devils also believe, and tremble.

This Scripture argues that them trusting and standing upon their faith alone to save them, and believing they cannot ever be judged and condemned for their ungodly living, is worse than that of the sinning angels. The devils still know the fear of the Lord and His righteous judgment, that is sure to come upon all the works of angels and men.

James 2:14
What doth it profit, my brethren, though a man say he hath faith, and have not works? can faith save him?

No, of course not. Only the eternal faith of Jesus Christ can save a soul from sinning, and not only save the soul from judgment of sins.

Only His faith is with Himself always doing those things pleasinig to the Father. And so it is with every sinner that repents for his soul's sake, to receive His Spirit and His faith to walk and do likewise with Him on earth.