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GE 24:3-4 Racial Preference

Soldier of Christ1516

Prevenient Grace Receiver
Jul 12, 2024
Reaction score
Shining City on a Hill
Biblical Unitarian
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In another forum, the question came up about dating a former sex worker who turned to Christ. This was couched as though to shame others for not "forgiving" the former sex worker. I countered that it is not about forgiveness but preference. Men are allowed to have and act on their preferences. Enter Genesis 24:3-4.

Abraham wants his son Isaac to marry within his own race.

I talked to a pastor in some depth years ago about the issue of slavery in the Bible. There is a difference between APPROVE, TOLERATE and REJECT. Likewise, there is a difference between RACIST AND RACIAL. The Bible is not politically correct - thank God! Many tend to impose their 21st century sensibilities onto the text of Scripture.

I believe many today are "too smart by half" in being reverse racist to proof they are not racist. Here, I hold the text is racial and not racist. Thoughts?
In another forum, the question came up about dating a former sex worker who turned to Christ. This was couched as though to shame others for not "forgiving" the former sex worker. I countered that it is not about forgiveness but preference. Men are allowed to have and act on their preferences. Enter Genesis 24:3-4.

Abraham wants his son Isaac to marry within his own race.

I talked to a pastor in some depth years ago about the issue of slavery in the Bible. There is a difference between APPROVE, TOLERATE and REJECT. Likewise, there is a difference between RACIST AND RACIAL. The Bible is not politically correct - thank God! Many tend to impose their 21st century sensibilities onto the text of Scripture.

I believe many today are "too smart by half" in being reverse racist to proof they are not racist. Here, I hold the text is racial and not racist. Thoughts?
All people are made in the image of God. Even those that don't look like you.
All people are made in the image of God. Even those that don't look like you.
True but what does that have to do with the OP?

Even Jesus said he came for Israel. I'm not saying that is racist but a racial preference AND there is nothing wrong with that. One has to start somewhere.
Gen 24:2-4 . .You will not get a wife for my son from the daughters of the
Canaanites, among whom I am living, but will go to my country and my own
relatives and get a wife for my son Isaac.

The Canaanite people, on the whole, descended from Noah's evil son Ham who
did nothing to protect his drunken and disrobed father from disgrace. In other
words; the Canaanites, on the whole, were built upon a curse.

Gen 9:25 . . Cursed be Canaan!

By the time of Abraham, the Canaanites, on the whole, were extremely impious; in
point of fact, quite disgusting.

So, when their curse and their customs are taken into consideration, it's easy to
understand why Abraham wouldn't want one of the Canaanite women for a

NOTE: Esau married Canaanite girls and they just about drove his mom Rebecca to
suicide. (Gen 27:46)