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Do you BELIEVE in evolution?


Apr 30, 2024
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The Utility of Evolution

Evolution is driven by these processes: natural selection, genetic drift, mutation, and gene flow. Let's consider their utility.

I am a Christian. I used the evolution model to implement AI programs. They are called evolutionary algorithms. You don't have to believe in evolution to work with it. If you search US patents in the last ten years, you will find many applications of evolution models. The theory of evolution has practical values. The US economy benefits from it. You cannot deny its utility.

Unlike other branches of hard science, evolution has less mathematical support. Nevertheless, it is a useful paradigm.

If the theory works in daily practical life, there is no need to reject it. There is no need to believe in it either in the sense of spiritual faith.

See also

The Utility of Evolution

Evolution is driven by these processes: natural selection, genetic drift, mutation, and gene flow. Let's consider their utility.

I am a Christian. I used the evolution model to implement AI programs. They are called evolutionary algorithms. You don't have to believe in evolution to work with it. If you search US patents in the last ten years, you will find many applications of evolution models. The theory of evolution has practical values. The US economy benefits from it. You cannot deny its utility.

Unlike other branches of hard science, evolution has less mathematical support. Nevertheless, it is a useful paradigm.

If the theory works in daily practical life, there is no need to reject it. There is no need to believe in it either in the sense of spiritual faith.

See also

I can agree with Microevolution. Not Macroevolution.
Nope.... but not getting into it
I am a Christian. I used the evolution model to implement AI programs.
Not really. Basically what you use is intelligent design. Parameters set up that must be met. Everything is pretty much guided.
The theory of evolution has practical values. The US economy benefits from it. You cannot deny its utility.
I can. It's the dogma of the atheist. The U.S. economy benefits from it? Sure, as it leaves in it's wake, thousands confused about right and wrong and what constitutes the basic differences between man and beast, consequently between male and female..Ultimately, no standard, because ultimately they have rejected the God of absolutes for a pottage of slime and primordial mush. It leaves a society morally and spiritually bankrupt.
God or the gorilla?

Adam or the ape?
I can. It's the dogma of the atheist. The U.S. economy benefits from it? Sure, as it leaves in it's wake, thousands confused about right and wrong and what constitutes the basic differences between man and beast, consequently between male and female..Ultimately, no standard, because ultimately they have rejected the God of absolutes for a pottage of slime and primordial mush. It leaves a society morally and spiritually bankrupt.
Evolution reduces man to a mere animal...and doesn't even come close to explaining why we sin against God...the fall..or the need for redemption.
The Utility of Evolution

Evolution is driven by these processes: natural selection, genetic drift, mutation, and gene flow. Let's consider their utility.

I am a Christian. I used the evolution model to implement AI programs. They are called evolutionary algorithms. You don't have to believe in evolution to work with it. If you search US patents in the last ten years, you will find many applications of evolution models. The theory of evolution has practical values. The US economy benefits from it. You cannot deny its utility.

Unlike other branches of hard science, evolution has less mathematical support. Nevertheless, it is a useful paradigm.

If the theory works in daily practical life, there is no need to reject it. There is no need to believe in it either in the sense of spiritual faith.

See also

It's pretty much discarded. It's beyond Farellian. Do you read EVOLUTION NEWS from the Discovery Institute?

btw, we are not treating cancer; we make it live and charge for 'treatments.'

I'm still waiting for 2 more arms to develop; I could really use them. I see all kinds of necessity, but it's a myth.
It's pretty much discarded.
Really? Even in our schools and the media, evolution seems to be assumed as a given..something others don't question without being labeled an imbecile or obscurantist.
Have you ever read Signature in the Cell and Darwin’s Doubt?
Have you ever read Signature in the Cell and Darwin’s Doubt?
No, but nevertheless Darwinianism is still prevalent in today's society. I did read Behe's Blackbox if that counts. :)
No, but nevertheless Darwinianism is still prevalent in today's society. I did read Behe's Blackbox if that counts. :)
Lots of good stuff in both books.
Really? Even in our schools and the media, evolution seems to be assumed as a given..something others don't question without being labeled an imbecile or obscurantist.

You're right, but there are huge signs of change. See EVOLUTION NEWS from Discovery Institute. There are major scientists who have accepted design as superior explanation.
You're right, but there are huge signs of change. See EVOLUTION NEWS from Discovery Institute. There are major scientists who have accepted design as superior explanation.
I sure hope so, I get tired of hearing the latest tooth find, that's allegedly over 100,000 years.
I have read Darwin's doubt
Its very good---it was a rebuttal of critics of 'Signature in the Cell', which is a landmark for Intelligent Design. It was incredibly edifying to me to learn more about the wonder of cellular biology and how DNA/RNA work as the actual tools for communicating 'information' in the cells.
Without which no organism can work. I can't stress enough--there is actual real 'information' being constructed and sent! Information requires a sender and a receiver and this dynamic is present.
The degree of evidence for God's hand is mind blowing
I sure hope so, I get tired of hearing the latest tooth find, that's allegedly over 100,000 years.

Nebraska Man
Not sure how long ago some evolutionists claimed this one to be, but the tooth did come from an extinct pig.

Its very good---it was a rebuttal of critics of 'Signature in the Cell', which is a landmark for Intelligent Design. It was incredibly edifying to me to learn more about the wonder of cellular biology and how DNA/RNA work as the actual tools for communicating 'information' in the cells.
Without which no organism can work. I can't stress enough--there is actual real 'information' being constructed and sent! Information requires a sender and a receiver and this dynamic is present.
The degree of evidence for God's hand is mind blowing
Yes, I believe A.E. Wilder Smith was one of the first to lay out the foundation for that approach.