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Church Psychosis

Jul 31, 2023
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Let’s Inquire About
Church Psychosis
[Please see the Special Note at the end of this column]

It is obvious that in the grace era there has never been but one community of believers. All redeemed sinners are citizens of that one community. However, since the birth of church that one community has been fragmented into sects or religious parties too numerous to count.

One of my pleas is for a reunification of all believers who are entangled in and controlled by the partisan spirit. I do not appeal for a unification of churches. The “party spirit” of Galatians 5:20 has divided God’s community, and only a recommitment to the Spirit’s admonitions will reunite that community.

When the inspired writer commissioned his fellow believers to “love the brotherhood,” he included every born-again believer upon the face of the earth—then and now. That one brotherhood was and still is the one community founded by Jesus the Christ.

The early brotherhood embodied even those believers who might have continued their membership in religious parties upon accepting Jesus as their Messiah, but the parties as such were not God’s community. To put it another way, factional or divisive systems were not and are not part of the redeemed community.

Today’s redeemed community includes many thousands of believers who are still caught up in the web of “Churchianity,” for God’s children are scattered over and grazing in different pastures of churchly creations. However, God’s new reign stretches far beyond the borders of any sect, church, religious party, or cult. “Churchianity”” reigns over a restricted territory. God’s reign is universal!

And while it would be wise to remove partisan religion entirely and start over, considering how grave mad church disease has plagued her, nonetheless many of her children may choose to remain where they are and work for reform. This is not always possible, however, because the sectarian church “would rather fight than switch.” Reformers are not always welcome within her ranks. They are usually accorded the “left boot of fellowship.” But as I’ve noted before, change is occurring and I praise my Lord for that blessing.​


Special Note
My three books [96-98 pages each] have now been converted into PDF by a Christian brother whose name is Jonathan Rovetto. His email address is [email protected]. He, too, has an Internet curriculum. If you would like to receive his mail-outs, please contact him and he will add you. If you’d like to receive one of my three books, I will happily email it to you free of any charge. They are “Mad Church Disease,” “The Apostate Church,” and “The Son Of Perdition” [Roman Catholicism]. If, after reading the first one, you’d like a copy of another one, simply let me know.—Buff.
Let’s Inquire About
Church Psychosis
[Please see the Special Note at the end of this column]

It is obvious that in the grace era there has never been but one community of believers. All redeemed sinners are citizens of that one community. However, since the birth of church that one community has been fragmented into sects or religious parties too numerous to count.

One of my pleas is for a reunification of all believers who are entangled in and controlled by the partisan spirit. I do not appeal for a unification of churches. The “party spirit” of Galatians 5:20 has divided God’s community, and only a recommitment to the Spirit’s admonitions will reunite that community.

When the inspired writer commissioned his fellow believers to “love the brotherhood,” he included every born-again believer upon the face of the earth—then and now. That one brotherhood was and still is the one community founded by Jesus the Christ.

The early brotherhood embodied even those believers who might have continued their membership in religious parties upon accepting Jesus as their Messiah, but the parties as such were not God’s community. To put it another way, factional or divisive systems were not and are not part of the redeemed community.

Today’s redeemed community includes many thousands of believers who are still caught up in the web of “Churchianity,” for God’s children are scattered over and grazing in different pastures of churchly creations. However, God’s new reign stretches far beyond the borders of any sect, church, religious party, or cult. “Churchianity”” reigns over a restricted territory. God’s reign is universal!

And while it would be wise to remove partisan religion entirely and start over, considering how grave mad church disease has plagued her, nonetheless many of her children may choose to remain where they are and work for reform. This is not always possible, however, because the sectarian church “would rather fight than switch.” Reformers are not always welcome within her ranks. They are usually accorded the “left boot of fellowship.” But as I’ve noted before, change is occurring and I praise my Lord for that blessing.​


Special Note
My three books [96-98 pages each] have now been converted into PDF by a Christian brother whose name is Jonathan Rovetto. His email address is [email protected]. He, too, has an Internet curriculum. If you would like to receive his mail-outs, please contact him and he will add you. If you’d like to receive one of my three books, I will happily email it to you free of any charge. They are “Mad Church Disease,” “The Apostate Church,” and “The Son Of Perdition” [Roman Catholicism]. If, after reading the first one, you’d like a copy of another one, simply let me know.—Buff.
Thanks for the offer. which one first?

I would offer I believe the key word confederacy gives some aid to understanding unity .

Because the kingdom of God does not come by observation, looking at the temporal dying, it give rise to the confederacy called those of the number. Like that of David when he sinned and numbered the troops not trusting unseen God.

The same ones that puff themselves up above (sola scriptura) venerating each other, lording the understanding of the Christ's faith (belief) giving it over to. Show time watchers or some call bench warmers.

Venerable dying mankind usurping the authority of sola scriptura.giving its power over to the oral tradition of dying mankind .

1 Corinthian 4:6And these things, brethren, I have in a figure (parable) transferred to myself and to Apollos for your sakes; that ye might learn in us not to think of men above that (sola scriptura) which is written, that no one of you be puffed up for one against another.. (the confederacy) ;For who maketh thee to differ from another? and what hast thou that thou didst not receive? now if thou didst receive it, why dost thou (confederacy) glory, as if thou hadst not received it?

Isaiah 8:12 Say ye not, A confederacy, to all them to whom this people shall say, A confederacy; neither fear ye their fear, nor be afraid.

Obadiah 1:7 All the men of thy confederacy have brought thee even to the border: the men that were at peace with thee have deceived thee, and prevailed against thee; they that eat thy bread have laid a wound under thee: there is none understanding in him

They went out because they never were of us

2 Corinthians 10:12 For we dare not make ourselves of the number, or compare ourselves with some that commend themselves: but they measuring themselves by themselves, (not sola scriptura the measure of faith .Christ's working in us ) and comparing themselves among themselves, are not wise
Simply walk or understand (hear God) by faith the unseen eternal things of Christ in us .Look to the eternal things not seen

Warning believers of those who would seduce a believer to believe we do need to venerate dying mankind to teach us ( 1 John 2) antichrists' another teaching authority confederal (to unite by a league) other than sola scriptura, (the unifier of Christians) .
Let’s Inquire About
Church Psychosis
[Please see the Special Note at the end of this column]

It is obvious that in the grace era there has never been but one community of believers. All redeemed sinners are citizens of that one community. However, since the birth of church that one community has been fragmented into sects or religious parties too numerous to count.

One of my pleas is for a reunification of all believers who are entangled in and controlled by the partisan spirit. I do not appeal for a unification of churches. The “party spirit” of Galatians 5:20 has divided God’s community, and only a recommitment to the Spirit’s admonitions will reunite that community.

When the inspired writer commissioned his fellow believers to “love the brotherhood,” he included every born-again believer upon the face of the earth—then and now. That one brotherhood was and still is the one community founded by Jesus the Christ.

The early brotherhood embodied even those believers who might have continued their membership in religious parties upon accepting Jesus as their Messiah, but the parties as such were not God’s community. To put it another way, factional or divisive systems were not and are not part of the redeemed community.

Today’s redeemed community includes many thousands of believers who are still caught up in the web of “Churchianity,” for God’s children are scattered over and grazing in different pastures of churchly creations. However, God’s new reign stretches far beyond the borders of any sect, church, religious party, or cult. “Churchianity”” reigns over a restricted territory. God’s reign is universal!

And while it would be wise to remove partisan religion entirely and start over, considering how grave mad church disease has plagued her, nonetheless many of her children may choose to remain where they are and work for reform. This is not always possible, however, because the sectarian church “would rather fight than switch.” Reformers are not always welcome within her ranks. They are usually accorded the “left boot of fellowship.” But as I’ve noted before, change is occurring and I praise my Lord for that blessing.​


Special Note
My three books [96-98 pages each] have now been converted into PDF by a Christian brother whose name is Jonathan Rovetto. His email address is [email protected]. He, too, has an Internet curriculum. If you would like to receive his mail-outs, please contact him and he will add you. If you’d like to receive one of my three books, I will happily email it to you free of any charge. They are “Mad Church Disease,” “The Apostate Church,” and “The Son Of Perdition” [Roman Catholicism]. If, after reading the first one, you’d like a copy of another one, simply let me know.—Buff.
That would depend upon what the fragments are about.
There are certain truth christianity presents....such as the virgin birth, the perfection of Jesus, the divinity of Jesus, His death and resurrection and so on.

Most "fragments" are not a requirement for salvation. If one believes in a pre-trib rapture or a post trib rapture doesn't disqualify one from salvation. If one believe Jesus was born in the years 0 or 4 or even 7 BC doesn't disqualify one from salvation.
That would depend upon what the fragments are about.
There are certain truth christianity presents....such as the virgin birth, the perfection of Jesus, the divinity of Jesus, His death and resurrection and so on.

Most "fragments" are not a requirement for salvation. If one believes in a pre-trib rapture or a post trib rapture doesn't disqualify one from salvation. If one believe Jesus was born in the years 0 or 4 or even 7 BC doesn't disqualify one from salvation.
Verry good and well expressed, CrowCross. I agree. Thank you.
Verry good and well expressed, CrowCross. I agree. Thank you.
I do see your point.

I once heard if your church is so screwed up and you're thinking about leaving....you should probably stay and help straighten out things.
It is obvious that in the grace era there has never been but one community of believers. All redeemed sinners are citizens of that one community. However, since the birth of church that one community has been fragmented into sects or religious parties too numerous to count
Grace era began in the garden. He had favor (grace) on Able the second born in order to represent a man must be born again from above

But Christ did not have grace on Cain. His heart remained hard.

Genesis 4:4 And Abel, he also brought of the firstlings of his flock and of the fat thereof. And the Lord had respect (Grace) unto Abel and to his offering: But unto Cain and to his offering he had not respect. (no grace) And Cain was very wroth, and his countenance fell.
