I got that from Mounce's Reverse Interlinear, BTW.
Yes, what you are saying is the popular way of looking at it. I am not talking of the church being a building. That is just bricks and mortar. So that is one definition of it that is not biblical. One definition of the church that is also popular but nothing to do with scripture.
So you have bought up the real popular thing of the body of Christ being all redeemed. So.. in what sense is a scattered, never meeting, no ordinances, no doctrine entity... a body?
The body of Christ IS the church. The church-- is an ecclessia.. which is a called out from their homes.. meeting or assembly/congregation. That's the definition Thayer has it as. He said that if ecclessia ever loses the idea of assembling or congregating.. it ceases to be a church.
So to scripture-- 1 Corinthians 12 has the body of Christ being defined. What body is this? It is the local church at Corinth. That is the body of Christ.. it's local and visible.
All redeemed will become one body of Christ.. but that hasn't happened.. we are not one body yet.. that won't happen till the New Jerusalem is formed.
Further proof texts:
Matthew 16:18-- Jesus speaks of building His church.
Matthew 18:20-- Jesus speaks of resolving sin issues in the church.
Two different kinds of churches? One universal and one local? No.. that would mean Jesus was contradicting Himself.. by introducing a universal church and then making it local later.
Ephesians-- 'there is one body one faith one baptism..'
Which body is in question? All redeemed, or the body AT Ephesus? Because the unity described in Ephesians is unity at the Ephesians local church.. not all redeemed.
Do you also know that 'there is' is an insertion? Bibles that are honest about it.. have it in italics as something that wasn't there in the original Greek. So it can read just 'one body, one faith, one baptism'
The difference.. ? It can mean ANY body of believers. .any church .. local and visible.
Ephesians is a letter sent to them to be distributed to other churches plural.
So you may say.. you can't have multiple bodies. There is only one. Well. .. the body of Christ is not Christ's literal body. It's body as in 'group' 'assembly' 'congregation'. So you can have the one Jesus Christ.. with many assemblies/congregations that He calls His.
There is a lot more to this also. We just blindly say 'The Church says this....' or 'The Church of England'.. or 'The Church is decline'.. but we never stop to really think about how the bible defines what all redeemed is and what a real church is.
All redeemed are part of the Family of God. And they are part of the Kingdom of God. But the body of Christ isn't the same thing as these entities. Just have a look at all the references of church in scripture.