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A Problem Solved..a Stroll Thru the Bible


Staff member
Jun 10, 2023
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Tornado Alley
In Christ of the Father.
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I put this together meant to be a decent overview of God's Purpose and means regarding the necessity of Jesus Christ to come to Earth to Redeem His Creation...and more. Its a bit long, but worth spending some time reading it more than once.
God Bless and continue to shine the light of Truth in your hearts.

A Problem solved--Part 1
Something happened back a long time ago to the ‘First Man’. To Adam. He disobeyed God and instead did the will of Lucifer. In that moment, just as God said, he died. A change took place in Adam.
It was a ‘nature’ change. Adam became corrupted to his very core. His nature changed to a sinful nature and in a very real sense took on the nature of Lucifer. A sinful and rebellious nature.
Adam represented ‘mankind’. Adam represented a ‘corporate mankind’. Every human being born from that time forward existed within Adam’s loins. Every human born from that time forward inherited that same sinful nature. Adams sons—each and everyone, right up until this time. Accept for One.
We will get back to that in a minute.
Adam’s sons had a problem. There was nothing they could do that was ‘righteous’ in the eyes of God.
The kind ‘righteousness’ that God requires became impossible for Adam and his sons because everything that issues from Adam is tainted by that fallen sinful nature.
Men could do good things and even behave in a way that pleased God within the context of his fallen nature, but man’s (Adam’s) best and most sincere efforts couldn’t ever rise to the level of the ‘righteous requirement of God”. Impossible, because Adam’s nature was changed to that of his newly adopted father—Lucifer.
Adam’s race—mankind—-every single one born after his kind—-has a problem. A very big problem. An ‘impossible’ problem. You see, God created a law when He made creatures. That law says that everything reproduces according to its ‘kind’. Adam reproduced and every single one born was after his kind. Sinful. Sinful by nature.
A fish swims, a bear climbs a tree, a bird flies—-mankind sins. But more than that. ‘Man’ is sin. He has a sinful nature.
This is a very big problem. Corporate mankind got himself in a big fix with the help of that character called Lucifer.
Alright, we have defined a very very big problem. Adam (and that means you and me) can’t do anything about this. It’s our nature. We are born this way.
Now, God loves His creation and He had a Plan. This whole man messed up big time thing needs a solution.
Let’s skip ahead some and condense this. God started by setting aside a people for Himself and through that people began to teach some things about His solution. It would involve a thing called ‘faith’ and He would prove to Adam (man) that he needed another thing called ‘grace’.
He used a wonderful tool to accomplish some of this. The Law.
Before the Law, a fellow that he set aside for himself ‘believed’ God and that ‘faith’ resulted in a kind of ‘righteousness’ and that ‘righteousness’ was a Gift from God that came in the form of a man. That man’s name was Isaac. Isaac was a ‘type’ or ‘illustration’ of another man that God had in mind.
But a couple of things were firmly established at that time. ‘Faith’ was a requirement in order for a ‘Gift’ to be realized in real time experience. Isaac was born. The ‘son’ of the promise. The promise and Isaac was a ‘covenant’ between God and Abraham. God told Abraham that ‘in him’ all the nations would be blessed and that his seed was to be very numerous. Sands of the sea numerous.
Gen. 18:18 since Abraham shall surely become a great and mighty nation, and all the nations of the earth shall be blessed in him?
Did you notice that bit at the end of that sentence? “In Him”
This is a very important bit. Remember back at the beginning of our story. Adam. Remember that every man born since that time was ‘in Adam’ and came out of him after his kind and with his same nature?
This is important.
So now, Abraham got a promise. That all nations “shall be blessed in him”. Ok—put that away for a while, but don’t forget it—because it is really important.
We will skip ahead a while but there are some things that God wants to teach and it will involve some ‘believing’ and some ‘obedience’ and a ‘curse’. This lesson coming up is both monumentally awesome and at the same time wonderfully simple. So simple in fact, that it confounds the reason and not insignificant intelligence of mankind. That is Adams’ race, by the way. Mankind—-pretty smart creatures.
Can you guess what this lesson is?
Wait a moment and get yourself seated because this is gonna knock you over!
Abraham’s people found themselves in a bad fix down in a kingdom called Egypt. I told you we were gonna skip ahead a bit.


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